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Topics - ejacksoncustom

Our first full auction is tonight - 8pm GMT.

You can read the product preview via this link -!lelvis-ebne/c1xja

Thanks for viewing/reading/sharing.

I would be biased but the hardware alone is worth a fortune!!

Our first full auction starts Monday 24th March @ 8pm GMT! Starts @ 99p and will last 10 days. International shipping.

Its bit of a special guitar this one - read full product specs here!Introducing-our-first-Custom-Guitar-Auction/cf25/7167E4C4-6EDA-40D6-84CE-82C02ABA2E6A

So we build electric guitars and parts and then auction them all starting @ £0.99p.

We believe you, the players, shredders, rockers and customisers should decide the value of our products.

Please visit for further details and live product auctions.

E. Jackson Custom