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Bass, cutting your teeth?

Started by Mick, November 21, 2012, 08:57:50 AM

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So to all you bass players out there.

A question, 

Did you learn to play the bass straight off, or did you learn to play a six string electric, or acoustic first, then move on to the bass.

Just curious
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Double bass, school orchestra, then folk and jazz groups, then rock. The change from double bass to bass guitar came in the middle of the jazz bit.


Started on guitar, found a band and the bassist sucked. So we kicked her out and couldn't find anyone else so I sold my gear and bought a cheap bass and amp.  Only recently started gigging as a guitarist again

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I learned from a boyfriend in high school back in '97.  I was playing acoustic at the time.
Hi, I'm Briana.


I think that bass and guitar are played differently. Bass guitar are rhythm instruments mainly.

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